5 upcoming Artificial Intelligence trends

This is an excerpt of the article that was recollected from flipboard, as to generate a clip of interesting news from the topics that i think are important and I want to save for further references and share with my readers.


Upcoming Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Trends

Artificial intelligence is frequently discussed yet it’s too early to show real gains. AI’s major headwind is the cost of the investment, which will skew returns in the short-term. When the turnaround occurs, however, companies who are making the investment can expect to be rewarded disproportionately with a wide performance gap. We can see some evidence of this in Alphabet’s revenue segment, Other Bets, which includes many AI projects with a loss of $3.35 billion in 2018. Of this, Deep Mind is responsible for $571 million in losses and owes its parent company $1.4 billion. Except for Tesla, these companies are flush with cash and can afford the transition costs and capital expenditures required for artificial intelligence.

Despite tech giants pouring cash into AI investments, most of the industries that stand to benefit are not in the tech industry but rather in other industries that are  understanding the potential of artificial intelligence.

5 Artificial Intelligence trends

1. Training AI to Know What it Does Not Know

The next decade will determine if humans or machines are better are making a medical diagnosis as more health care companies turn to AI for accuracy. One problem that Curai is working on, is how to train a model to know when it doesn’t know, so a human can intervene to avoid the misclassification of unknown diseases.

2. Reducing Call Center Burden

The next decade will determine if humans or machines are better are making a medical diagnosis as more health care companies turn to AI for accuracy. One problem that Curai is working on, is how to train a model to know when it doesn’t know, so a human can intervene to avoid the misclassification of unknown diseases.

3. Retail Giants making Big AI Investments

Retail had a large presence at the conference with Wal-Mart Labs, Proctor and Gamble and Target presenting on ways they plan to make the retail experience more optimized. Imagine a shopping experience where the carts are plentiful, cashiers are always open, and inventory is fully stocked. This is a different approach than competitor Amazon Go, designed to be cashier-less.

4. AI Could Be the Answer to Restoring Privacy

Privacy has been in the headlines lately as regulators and social media users begin to question what is a fair exchange for a free service. Netflix is a leader here with its recommendation engine for content. This is done through the process of query understanding to candidate generation to ranking to blending to the final result.

5. Prepare to Be Blown Away by AI-Assistants

Over the next few years, we will become hands-free and will have better posture and fewer car accidents. Once AI-assistants are fully built out, our interaction with mobile devices may become the brunt of criticism from future generations.


Read the full article by Beth Kindig



For those interesting in knowing more about this subject,  there is a very interesting youtube exploring those and other interesting  Artificial Intelligence trends.

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