Self-supervised learning is the future of AI

This is an excerpt of the article that was recollected from flipboard, as to generate a clip of interesting news from the topics that i think are important and I want to save for further references and share with my readers.

Despite the huge contributions of deep learning to the field of artificial intelligence, there’s something very wrong with it: It requires huge amounts of data. This is one thing that both the pioneers and critics of deep learning agree on. In fact, deep learning didn’t emerge as the leading AI technique until a few years ago because of the limited availability of useful data and the shortage of computing power to process that data.

Reducing the data-dependency of deep learning is currently among the top priorities of AI researchers.

In his keynote speech at the AAAI conference, computer scientist Yann LeCun discussed the limits of current deep learning techniques and presented the blueprint for “self-supervised learning,” his roadmap to solve deep learning’s data problem. LeCun is one of the godfathers of deep learning and the inventor of convolutional neural networks (CNN), one of the key elements that have spurred a revolution in artificial intelligence in the past decade.

Self-supervised learning is one of several plans to create data-efficient artificial intelligence systems. At this point, it’s really hard to predict which technique will succeed in creating the next AI revolution (or if we’ll end up adopting a totally different strategy). But here’s what we know about LeCun’s masterplan.

A clarification on the limits of deep learning

First, LeCun clarified that what is often referred to as the limitations of deep learning is, in fact, a limit of supervised learning. Supervised learning is the category of machine learning algorithms that require annotated training data. For instance, if you want to create an image classification model, you must train it on a vast number of images that have been labeled with their proper class.

“[Deep learning] is not supervised learning. It’s not just neural networks

Read the full article by Ben Dickson

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