Conferencias de #altdevablog en video

Para los que lean de forma regular este blog, verán que unos de los blogs que consulto a diario es #altdevblogaday, un blog sobre desarrollo de videojuegos por un conjunto de interesados y profesionales, que hace del medio, una fuente de información donde es posible encontrar pequeñas joyas de articulos, que nos pueden ayudar (hasta a mi) a ver cosas que pensavamos saber desde otro angulo, o introducirnos en temas que simplesmente desconociamos.

Hace unas semanas, los organizadores del blog, habian organizado una conferencia con várias charlas, sobre várias areas del proceso de diseño y desarrollo de videojuegos, y ahora acaban de publicar los links a las gravaciones realizadas de cada una de las sessiones.

Es una grande oportunidad para aprender que no hay que desperdiciar, incluso que se domine mal el ingles (si están todas en ingles).


Programming Track

The Integrated Influence Architecture – Combining Reactive and Deliberative AI for NPC Control by Luke Dicken

Cross Platform Game Development in C# by Matthieu Laban, Philippe Rollin, and Miguel de Icaza

Control, Configure, Monitor and View Your Game Engine From the Web by John McCutchan

Accelerating Game Physics for Heterogeneous CPUs & GPUs by Erwin Coumans (speaker declined to share)

Understanding the Second Generation of Behavior Trees and Preparing for Challenges Beyond by Alex Champandard

Real Time Area Lighting – Now and Next by Sam Martin

PowerVR Hardware Architecture and Application Performance Guidelines by Gordon MacLauchlan

Dynamic Global Illumination by Wolfgang Engel, Tim Martin, and Igor Lobanchikov

Game Tools as a WebApp: Lessons from Insomniac’s Next-Gen Tools and Engine by Mike Acton (Coming soon!)

Education Track

Centred for Excellence – The Challenges Inside Abertay’s Games Programmes by Ken Fee

Building Better Rubrics Using Game Design by Ian Schreiber

Educating the Next Gen. by Alex Darby

More than Software and Theory by Heather Decker-Davis

Design & Production Track

Intro to Producing for Mobile: how to “go indie”, actually ship an app, and not die by Evangeline Marzec

“Scrum Bowling” : Agile Production Methodology for Indie Teams and Student Projects by Margaret Moser

How to create a positive online game developer community by Ryan Arndt

Effective PR, Marketing, and Community Management in the Indie Games Space by Erik Johnson

Operant Conditioning in MMORPG’s by Mike Grimes

Game Over! Exit Strategies for Persistent Games by Ian Schreiber

Junk Master Series, Design Approaches, Issues, and Best practices by Wasin Thonkaew


Habrán a futuro mas actualizaciones en AltDevConf YouTube Channel