Mejor Screenshotsaturday / Best Screenshotsaturday Semana / Week #24 2020

Mejor Screenshotsaturday / Best Screenshotsaturday Semana / Week #24 2020

Mejor Screenshotsaturday Semana #24 2020

ES: A cada nueva  semana de #screenshotsaturday, vamos encontrando nuevos estudios, grupos o solos, trabajando de forma constante en sus videojuegos, en esta semana 24 – 13 de junio, se ha vuelto a incrementar el numero de juegos detectados, porque precisamente fumos capaces de descubrir unos cuantos nuevos estudios que se han incorporado a lista y en el algún caso, hasta de finalista entre los 10 primeros. Como siempre, podéis votar al mejor hasta el 19 de Junio, al mejor #screenshotsaturday español.

Best Screenshotsaturday Week #24 2020

EN: There was in deed a lot of very good games this week, and it is really a pity that I had to make choices, but if not it would have been impossible to make this list. The level of quality that I am able to see each week in the games being developed is really huge, plus the level of polishment achieved with the marketing materials is really a signal of the great job that is being done by studios on the business side of the game development activitiy. As always, You can vote for the best #screenshotsaturday up to the 19nd June 2020.

Retrospectiva de todos los #screenshotsaturday estudios de videojuegos españoles del 13 de Junio 2020













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¿Cual es tu screenshotsaturday de la semana #24 2020?
Ranking de vencedores Españoles podium

Best International #ScreenshotSaturday

Video Summary











Ranking Best Winners podium

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Choose the best #screenshotsaturday from week #24 2020
14 votes · 14 answers