Category Robotics

Understanding Robotics, AI, and Machine Learning: A Beginner’s Guide đŸ€–

Understanding Robotics, AI, and Machine Learning

Introduction Understanding Robotics, AI, and Machine Learning In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the terms “robotics,” “artificial intelligence” (AI), and “machine learning” are frequently used, often interchangeably. However, while these concepts are interconnected, they represent distinct disciplines with unique applications

The Future Has Arrived – Work Futures

The Future Has Arrived - Work Futures

[ad_1] One of the barriers to robots taking over in warehouses has been demolished. Knapp Robot using software The day we were worried about has arrived. Remember all the pundits telling us that robots were not up to the

Boston Dynamics Robot Dog Now Open Source Code

[ad_1] Boston Dynamics‘ robot dog Spot has gone through extensive updates in order to become the finished product it is today, and now the Softbank-owned company will make the bot’s SDK available to everyone via GitHub. The release will allow

Like It or Not, Automation Is Coming

Like It or Not, Automation Is Coming

[ad_1] More than a century ago, the great composer John Philip Sousa worried about the future of his profession. He feared that a new invention, the record player, would render obsolete “the ennobling discipline of learning music,” putting professional musicians

You’ve Heard Of Robots; What Are Cobots

You’ve Heard Of Robots; What Are Cobots

[ad_1] Getty Czech writer Karel Čapek first coined the term ‘Robot’ in his 1920 play R.U.R. about a dystopian future in which artificial, manufactured “roboti” act human-like and perform tasks in servitude to their human masters, only to later form